A Structural Model of Political Accountability
(with Boragan Aruoba and Razvan Vlaicu)
Does “Being Chosen to Lead” Induce Non-Selfish Behavior?
Experimental Evidence on Reciprocity (with Erkut Ozbay)
Kosher Pork (with Ethan Ilzetzki), version of 10/2014
Why is Economic Policy Different in New Democracies? Affecting Attitudes about
Democracy (with Adi Brender), NBER Working Paper 13457.
Political Budget Cycles in New
versus Established Democracies (with Adi Brender),
Extended version, with all the
background material of our October 2005 JME paper.
Why Emergency Lending
Facilities Go Unused (with Leonardo Bartolini), July
‘Lying Low’ During Elections: Political Pressure and
Monetary Accommodation
Is Gained By Selectively Withholding Foreign Aid? April 1999