Syllabus for Economics 603

Daniel R. Vincent: Fall 2014

The University of Maryland


Official Matters

Economics 603 is the first half of the Economics Departments two-semester core sequence in Microeconomics. This course is taken by all first-year Economics Ph.D. students, as well as by quite a few Ph.D. students in Agricultural & Resource Economics, the Smith School of Business, and other academic departments. The first half of the semester treats consumer theory and the theory of the firm. The second half of the semester is an introduction to game theory and its applications in economics. The first half of this course will be taught by Professor Daniel R. Vincent. The final half will be taught by Professor Larry Ausubel.

All official course announcements will be posted on the password protected course home page:

Problem sets, handouts, transparencies and online copies of readings (where available) will be posted on a password-protected site that can be linked to from this site.

            The login and password for the restricted area will be announced in class.

There will be about 6 ungraded problem sets for the first half of the course. For your reference, all of the problem sets from last year are currently posted on the password-protected web page, but some of these are likely to be updated, and you should refer to the most recent version at the time of doing the problem sets.

The midterm exam will be in class, Tuesday, October 21. Any students having any known conflicts with the exam time should notify the professor immediately.

For your planning purposes, please note that Professor Ausubel has set the final exam for this course to be Monday, December 15 at 10:30am.


A. Mas-Colell, M. Whinston and J. Green (henceforth “MWG”), Microeconomic Theory, Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.

R. Gibbons, Game Theory for Applied Economists, Princeton Univ. Press, 1992 (paperback).

Course Times

Section 0101: Tuesdays/Thursdays 2:00 am - 3:15 pm, Tydings 2111

        Discussion Section 0101: Tuesdays 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm, Tydings 2111

        Teaching Assistant: Tzu-Ya0 Lin  mailto:Tzu-Yao

Office Hours

Professor Vincent’s Office Hours: Thursdays, 10:00 – 11:00 am, Tydings 4128B

Tzu-Yao Lin's Office Hours: Wednesdays, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, Tydings 4110.

Topics for First Half of Course (approximately one week per topic)

1.      Preferences, Utility Functions and Utility Maximization

MWG, pp. 3-9, 17-28, 40-57 and 926-935

Problem Set #1 Assigned:

No Discussion Section on August 31 or September 4.


2.      Review of Kuhn-Tucker Theory / Envelope Theorem and Applications



MWG, pp. 935-966 (especially pp. 935-943 and 954-966)

Handout on Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Handout on Envelope Theorem


This material may possibly be covered out of order


3.      Expenditure Minimization, Hicksian Demands and Slutsky Equation


MWG, pp. 57-75

Problem Set #2 Assigned: http://econ-server/~vincent/econ603/econ603ps2.pdf


4.      Integrability, Substitutes Preferences, Submodularity and Walrasian T�tonnement



MWG, pp. 75-95, 620-625

Problem Set #3 Assigned: http://econ-server/~vincent/econ603/econ603ps3.pdf


5.      Welfare Evaluation, Revealed Preference and Aggregate Demand


MWG, pp. 9-14, 28-36 and 105-123

Problem Set #4 Assigned: http://econ-server/~vincent/econ603/econ603ps4.pdf


6.      Theory of the Firm, Profit Maximization, Cost Minimization and Duality



MWG, pp. 127-160

Problem Set #5 Assigned: http://econ-server/~vincent/econ603/econ603ps5.pdf


7.      Monopoly and Price Discrimination


MWG, pp. 383-387 and 488-501

Problem Set #6 Assigned: http://econ-server/~vincent/econ603/econ603ps6.pdf