ECON 703 Syllabus: Fall, 2024
Daniel R. Vincent
Official Matters
Economics 703 is the first of the two
course micro-theory sequence in the Department of Economics. This course
will cover advanced game theory, mechanism design, and some applications
to Industrial Organization theory.
All official course announcements will be
via ELMS or coursemail. Note: Our
first meeting will be Tuesday, August 27 and we will meet every Tuesday
and Thursday thereafter until the end of term which I believe is Thursday,
December 5.
Course Material
Problem sets, will be posted on a
password-protected area:
The login and password for the restricted
area will be announced in class.
The course grade will be determined by 30%
for in class presentation and 70% the performance on the take-home final
exam. You must complete at least one in class presentation, you may do
more. Your score will be the maximum of all your presentations. The final
exam will be given on the final day of class and will be due Monday,
December 10.
There will be 2 or 3 ungraded problem sets for the course.
Section 0101: Tuesdays/Thursdays 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm, Tydings
The text for the course is Drew Fudenberg
and Jean Tirole, Game Theory, MIT
Press, 2002 (or later) ISBN 0262-06141-4. This is also a reading course
and we will use articles and working papers for material.
Office Hours
Professor Vincent's Office Hours: Thursdays,
11:00am - 12:00pm, Tydings 4130B
Topics (Approximately One Week for Each)
and Equilibria
- Games in Strategic Form.
- Best Response Correspondences
- Nash Equilibria -- Nash's Theorem, Debreu, van Glicksburg, Fan.
Games, Equivalence and Equilibria
- Extensive Form Games -- Definition.
- Nodes, Information Sets, Actions, Payoffs.
- Behavior Strategies, Mixed Strategies, Perfect Recall, Kuhn's
- Games of Perfect Information, Backward Induction
- Games of Imperfect Information, Subgame Perfect Equilibria
FT (Chapter 3)
Elmes, S. and P. Reny, "On the strategic equivalence of extensive form
games", Journal of Economic Theory, 64, pp.1-23 1994
Kuhn, H., "Extensive Games and the Problem of Information,"
Annals of Mathematics Studies, 28, 1953.
Reny, P., "Rationality in Extensive Form Games", Journal of
Economic Perspectives ,6(4), pp.103-118,1992
Shaked, A. and J. Sutton, "Involuntary Unemployment as a Perfect
Equilibrium in a Bargaining Game", Econometrica, 52,
pp.1351-1364, 1984
Rubinstein, A., "Perfect Equilibrium in a Bargaining Model", Econometrica,
50, pp. 97-110, 1982,
Rubinstein, A. and M. Piccione, "One the Interpretation of Decision
Problems with Imperfect Recall", Games and Economic Behavior,
20, pp. 3-24, 1997,
Selten, R., "The Chain-Store Paradox," Theory and
Decision, 9, 1978.
Selten, R., "Reexamination of the Perfectness Concept for Equilibrium
Points of Extensive Form Games," International Journal of
Game Theory, 4, 1975.
Thompson, F., "Equivalence of Games in Extensive Form,"; Rand
Corporation, RN59, 1952.
of Nash Equilibria
- Perfect and Proper Equilibrium
- Sequential Equilibrium
- Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium
- Stable Sets
- Signalling games and further refinements
FT (Chapter 8)
Cho, I-K, and D. Kreps, "Signalling Games and Stable
Equilibria" Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102, 1987.
Fudenberg, D. and J.Tirole "Perfect Bayesian Equilibria and Sequential
Equilibria" Journal of Economic Theory, 53,1991.
Kohlberg, E. and J.-F,Mertens, "On the Strategic Stability of
Equilibria," Econometrica, 54, 1986.
Kreps, D. and R. Wilson, "Sequential Equilibria,"
Econometrica, 540 , 1982.
Selten, R., "A Reexamination of the Perfectness Concept for
Equilibrium Points of Extensive Form Games," International
Journal of Game Theory, 4, 1975.
of Incomplete Information, Bayesian Nash Equilibrium
- Bayesian Games, Bayesian Nash Equilibria.
- The Revelation Principle.
- Harsanyi and Myerson
FT (Chapter 6)
Athey, S. "Single-crossing properties ....", Econometrica ,
Harsanyi, J., "Games of Incomplete Information Played by Bayesian
Players," Management Science, 14 , 1967-68.
Milgrom, P. and C.Shannon, "Monotone comparative statics", Econometrica
, 1994.
MacAdams, D., "Isotone equilibrium in games....", Econometrica
, 2003.
Reny, "On the existence of monotone pure-strategy equilibria in
Bayesian games", Econometrica, 2011.
The Mechanism Design Approach
- Myerson and Incentive Compatibility in One-Dimension.
of Mechanism Design
- Optimal Bargaining.
- Auctions and the Revenue Equivalence Theorem.
- Bilateral Trade.
- Regulation of a Monopolist.
FT (Chapter 7)
Baron, D. and R. Myerson,"Regulating a Monopolist with Unknown Costs,"
Econometrica, , 50(4) 1982.
Myerson, R.,"Incentive Compatibility and the Bargaining Problem,"
Econometrica, 1979.
Myerson, R.,"Optimal Auction Design," Mathematics of
Operations Research, 6 ,1981.
Myerson, R., and M. Satterthwaite, "Efficient Mechanisms for Bilateral
Trade," Journal of Economic Theory, 29, 1983.
Mechanism Design
- Multi-Dimensional Incentive Compatibility -- Rochet.
- Manelli - Vincent, DDT.
Aliprantis, C. and K.Border,K, Infinite Dimensional Analysis: A
Hitchhikers Guide. Springer , 1999}
Armstrong, M.,"Multi-Product Non-liner Pricing,"
Econometrica, 64(1), 1996.
Daskalakis, C.,Deckelbaun, A. and C. Tzamos,"Strong Duality for a
Multiple-Good Monopolist" Econometrica, 85(3) ,2017.
Edwards,C.H. Jr., Advanced Calculus of Several Variables,
Dover Publications, 1994.
Luenberger, D., Optimization by Vector Space Methods, New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1969.
ManelliA. and A. Kleiner.,"Strong Duality and Monopoly Pricing,"
Econometrica, 2019.
Manelli A. and D. Vincent.,"Bundling as an Optimal Mechanism for a
Multi-Good Monopolist," Journal of Economic Theory, 46(2),2006.
Manelli A. and D. Vincent.,"Multi-Dimensional Mechanism Design,
Revenue Maximization and the Multi-Good Monopolist,"
Journal of EconomicTheory, 46(2),2007.
McAfee, R. P. and J. McMillan.,"Multi-Dimensional Incentive
Compatibility and Mechanism Design," Journal of Economic
Theory, 46(2), 1988.
Rochet, J.-C.,"The Taxation Principle and Multi-time Hamilton-Jacobi
Equations," Journal of Mathematical Economics,
Rockafellar, R.T., Convex Analysis, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1970.
Imperfect Competition, Bundling and Differentiated Products
- Discrete Choice Models of Product Differentiation.
- Aggregation and Existence Theorems.
- Multi-product Firms: Multi-nomial Nested Logit; Two-Product Firms
and Mixed Bundling.
- Pure Bundling and Competition.
Armstrong, Mark and John Vickers, "Competitive Nonlinear Pricing and
Bundling", Review of Economic Studies (2010).
Caplin, Andrew and Barry Nalebuff, "Aggregation and Imperfect
On the existence of equilibrium", Econometrica (1991).
Gans, J. and S. King, "Paying For Loyalty: Product Bundling in
Oligopoly", Journal of Industrial Economics, (2006).
Matutes, Carmen and Pierre Regibeau,""Mix and Match": Product
Compatibility without Network Externalities", Rand Journal of
Economics, (1988).
Vincent, Daniel, "Mixed Bundling and Mergers", Review of Network
Economics (2024).
Zhou, J., "Competitive Bundling", Econometrica (2017).
Strategy Implementation
- One Dimension:Manelli-Vincent, Gershkov, et. al..
- Multi-dimensions.
Border, K., "Implementation of reduced form auctions: A geometric
approach," Econometrica, 59(4), 1991, pp.1175-1187.
Cremer, J. and R. McLean, "Full extraction of the surplus in Bayesian
and dominant strategy auctions", Econometrica,56,
pp.1247-1257, 1988.
d'Aspremont, C., and L. A. Gerard-Varet,"Incentives and incomplete
information", Journal of Public Economics, 11,
Gershkov A., Goeree, J., Kushnir, A., B. Moldovanu and X. Shi, "On the
equivalence of Bayesian and dominant strategy implementation," Econometrica,
18, 2013, pp. 197-220.
Manelli, A., and D. Vincent, "Bayesian and dominant-strategy
implementation in the independent private-values model," Econometrica
137, 2010, pp. 153-185
Manelli, A., and D. Vincent, "Dominant-strategy and Bayesian Incentive
Compatibility in the Multi-Object Trading Environment," Journal of
Mathematical Economics, 82, pp. 214-226, 2019.
Matthews, S., "On the implementability of reduced form auctions," Econometrica
52, 1984, pp. 1519-1522.
Williams, S., "A characterization of efficient, Bayesian incentive
compatible mechanisms," Economic Theory 14, 1999, pp. 155-180.
and Optimization
- Majorization as a Partial Order.
- Extreme Points of Sets of Majorized Functions.
- Fan-Lorentz and Optimization
- Applications.
Border, K., "Implementation of reduced form auctions: A geometric
approach," Econometrica, 59(4), 1991, pp.1175-1187.
Bergeman, D., T. Heumann, S. Morris,C. Sorokin, E. Winter, "Optimal
Information Disclosure In Classic Auctions", AER: Insights,
4(3), pp. 371-388, 2022.
Gershkov A., Goeree, J., Kushnir, A., B. Moldovanu and X. Shi, "On the
equivalence of Bayesian and dominant strategy implementation," Econometrica,
18, 2013, pp. 197-220.
Kleiner, A., B. Moldovanu and P. Stark, "Extreme Points and
Majorization: Economic Applications," Econometrica 89(4),
2021, pp. 1557-1593
Manelli, A., and D. Vincent, "Bayesian and dominant-strategy
implementation in the independent private-values model" Econometrica,
137, pp. 153-185, 2010.
Matthews, S., "On the implementability of reduced form auctions," Econometrica
52, 1984, pp. 1519-1522.
Yang, K.H. and A. Zentefis, "Monotone Function Intervals: Theory and
Applications," American Economic Review 114(8), 2024, pp.
Nash Bargaining:Nash in Nash Approach
- Nash Bargaining and the `Nash Program'.
- Nash-in-Nash Bargaining and Multi-lateral Negotiations.
Collard-Wexler, Alan, Gowrisankaran, G., and R. Lee., "Nash-in-Nash
Bargaining: A Micro-foundation for Applied Work", Journal of
Political Economy (2019).
Crawford, G. and A. Yurucoglu, "The Welfare Effects of Bundling in
Multi-channel Television Markets", American Economic Review,
102(2) (2012), pp. 643-685.
Horn, H. and A. Wolinsky,"Bilateral Monopolies and Incentives for
Mergers", Rand Journal of Economics, 19(3) (1988): 408-419.
McAfee, P. and M. Schwartz, "Opportunism in Multi-lateral Vertical
Contracting", American Economic Review 84(1), (1994): 210-230.
Nash, J., "The Bargaining Problem", Econometrica 18(2),
(1950), pp. 155-162.
Vincent, Daniel R., "Multilateral
Negotiations and Opportunism", working paper, 2022.
Whinston, M.,11Lectures in Anti-trust Theory., (2006),: Chapter