Refereed Publications

"Revising Commitments: Field Evidence on Adjustment of Prior Choices." Economic Journal, February 2018 (with Xavier Giné, Dan Silverman, and Dean Yang).

"The Effect of Social Pressure on Expenditures in Malawi." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, November 2017.

"Savings Defaults and Payment Delays for Cash Transfers: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi." Journal of Development Economics, November 2017 (with Lasse Brune, Xavier Giné, and Dean Yang).

"Direct and Indirect Effects of Malawi`s Public Works Program on Food Security." Journal of Development Economics, September 2017 (with Kathleen Beegle and Emanuela Galasso).

"Facilitating Savings For Agriculture: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi." Economic Development and Cultural Change, January 2016 (with Lasse Brune, Xavier Giné, and Dean Yang).

Other Publications

"The Effects of Education on Labour Market Outcomes." In Edward Fiske and Helen Ladd, eds., Handbook of Education, Finance and Policy, Routledge. 2008 (with Jeffrey Smith).

Work in Progress

"Peer Messaging to Reduce Covid-19 Transmission in Zambia" (with Alfredo Burlando, Pradeep Chintagunta, Melissa Graboyes, Peter Hangoma, Dean Karlan, Mario Macis, and Silvia Prina).

"Engaging Women in Mobile Money Markets" (with Xavier Giné and Lore Vandewalle).

"Impact of e-KYC on Access to Finance: Evidence from Bangladesh" (with Xavier Giné and Lore Vandewalle).

"Borrowing Constraints in Savings and Lending Groups" (with Alfredo Burlando and Luciana Etcheverry Hernandez).