Job Flows and Productivity Data

This site contains the cross-country data on job flows and productivity measures.  Available for download is a zip file (link below) with the data and documentation.  The job flow measures are available at a country, sector, size, and year level of observation and the productivity measures are available at a country, sector, year level of observation. As described in detail in the documentation, available measures include not just first moments but higher moments including measures of dispersion and covariances.  For example, the job flow measures permit decomposing net employment growth at a disaggregated level into job creation, job destruction as well as the contribution of entry and exit to job creation and job destruction.    The data were produced from a series of projects funded by the OECD, the World Bank and other sources.  The methodology is provided in the attached files but an overview for the methodology can be found at:


Bartelsman, Eric, John Haltiwanger and Stefano Scarpetta "Measuring and Analyzing Cross Country Differences in Firm Dynamics," in Producer Dynamics:  New Evidence from Micro Data, (Dunne, Jensen and Roberts, eds.) NBER/University of Chicago Press, 2009.


Project RA-2009-06-024 funded by the International Growth Centre provided support for producing the datasets and documentation that are made available at this weblink.


Link to the zip file: