Comments on "The Reallocation Myth"
"Who Moves Up the Job Ladder?" , NBER Working Paper 23693, August 2017 (joint with Henry Hyatt and Erika McEntarfer)
"Macro and Micro Dynamics of Productivity: From Devilish Details to Insights" , NBER Working Paper 23666, August 2017 (joint with Lucia Foster, Cheryl Grim and Zoltan Wolf)
"Changing Business Dynamism and Productivity: Shocks vs. Responsiveness" , Working Paper, June 2017 (joint with Ryan Decker, Ron Jarmin and Javier Miranda)
"Cyclical Job Ladders by Firm Size and Firm Wage" , NBER Working Paper 23485, June 2017 (joint with Henry Hyatt, Lisa Kahn and Erika McEntarfer)
"Where Has All the Skewness Gone? The Decline in High-Growth (Young) Firms in the U.S.?" , European Economic Review, 2016 , pp. 4-23 (joint with Ryan Decker, Ron Jarmin and Javier Miranda)
"Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Performance" , 2014 Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Jackson Hole Symposium, Re-Evaluating Labor Market Dynamics, pp. 17-107 (joint with Steven Davis)
"Top Ten Signs of Declining Business Dynamism and Entrepreneurship in the U.S." , Working Paper, August 2015
"Private Equity, Jobs, and Productivity" , American Economic Review, Vol. 104, Issue 12 (December 2014) , pp. 3956-3990 (joint with Steven Davis, Kyle Handley, Ron Jarmin, Josh Lerner and Javier Miranda)
"Labor Market Fluidity and Economic Performance" , NBER Working Paper 20479, September 2014 (joint with Steven Davis)
"Reallocation in the Great Recession: Cleansing or Not?" , NBER Working Paper 20427, August 2014 (joint with Lucia Foster and Cheryl Grim)
"The Role of Entrepreneurship in US Job Creation and Economic Dynamism" , Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 28, Issue 3 (Summer 2014) , pp. 3-24 (joint with Ryan Decker, Ron Jarmin and Javier Miranda)
"The Secular Decline in Business Dynamism in the U.S." , Working Paper, June 2014 (joint with Ryan Decker, Ron Jarmin and Javier Miranda)
"Cross Country Differences in Job Reallocation: The Role of Industry, Firm Size and Regulations" , Labour Economics, Vol. 26 (January 2014) , pp. 11-25 (joint with Stefano Scarpetta and Helena Schweiger)
"Electricity Unit Value Prices and Purchase Quantities: U.S. Manufacturing Plants, 1963-2000" , Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 95, Issue 4 (October 2013) , pp. 1150-1165 (joint with Steven Davis, Cheryl Grim and Mary Streitwieser)
"How Firms Respond to Business Cycles: The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size" , IMF Economic Review, , 2013 (joint with Teresa Fort, Ron Jarmin and Javier Miranda)
"The Establishment-Level Behavior of Vacancies and Hiring" , The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 128, Issue 2 (May 2013) , pp. 581-622 (joint with Steven Davis and Jason Faberman)
"Who Creates Jobs? Small Versus Large Versus Young" , The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 95, Issue 2 (May 2013) , pp. 347-361(joint with Ron Jarmin and Javier Miranda)
"Exploring Differences in Employment between Household and Establishment Data" , Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 31, Issue 2 (April 2013) , pp. S129-S172 (joint with Katharine Abraham, Kristin Sandusky and James Spletzer)
"Cross-Country Differences in Productivity: The Role of Allocation and Selection" , American Economic Review, Vol. 103, Issue 1 (February 2013) , pp. 305-334 (joint with Eric Bartelsman and Stefano Scarpetta)
"Trade and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia" , Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 16, Issue 1 (January 2013) , pp. 135-158 (joint with Marcela Eslava, Adriana Kugler and Maurice Kugler)
"Recruiting Intensity during and after the Great Recession: National and Industry Evidence" , American Economic Review, Vol. 102, Issue 3 (May 2012) , pp. 584-588 (joint with Steven Davis and Jason Faberman)
"The Slow Growth of New Plants: Learning About Demand?" , NBER Working Paper 17853, February 2012 (joint with Lucia Foster and Chad Syverson) (Updated January 2014)
"Labor Market Flows in the Cross Section and Over Time" , Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. 59 (2012), pp. 1-18 (joint with Steven Davis and Jason Faberman)
"Job Creation and Firm Dynamics in the U.S." , Innovation Policy and the Economy, Vol. 12 (May 2011), pp. 17-38