
"The Macroeconomics of Trade Credit" by Luigi Bocola and Gideon Bornstein

Slides from my discussion at the IMF Annual Macro-Finance Research Conference, April 2024

"Sanctions and the Exchange Rate" by Oleg Itskhoki and Dmitry Mukhin

Slides from my discussion at the AEA Annual Meetings, San Antonio, January 2024

"Short and Variable Lags" by Buda, Carvalho, Corsetti, Duarte, Hansen, Moura, Ortiz, Rodrigo and Mora

Slides from my discussion at the CEBRA Annual Meeting at Columbia SIPA, July 2023

"The Macroeconomic Effects of the Federal Reserve's Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policies" by Eric Swanson

Slides from my discussion at the IMF/Norges Bank Conference on the Future of Macroeconomic Policy in Oslo, June 2023

"Corporate Finance and the Transmission of Shocks to the Real Economy" by Falk Braeuning, Jose Fillat, Gustavo Joaquim

Slides from my discussion at the FIRS Conference in Vancouver, June 2023

"Searching for Hysteresis" by Luca Benati and Thomas Lubik

Slides from my discussion at the NBER DSGE Meeting at the Dallas Fed, November 2022

"Wealth Inequality in the US: the Role of Heterogeneous Returns" by Ines Xavier

Slides from my discussion at the DC Area Junior Finance Meeting at Johns Hopkins University, May 2022

"The Aggregate Consequences of Default Risk: Evidence from Firm-Level Data" by Tim Besley, Isabelle Roland and John Van Reenen

Slides from my discussion at the AEA Meetings, January 2021

"Growing Like Germany: Local Public Debt, Local Banks, Low Private Investment" by Mathias Hoffmann, Iryna Stewens and Michael Stiefel

Slides from my discussion at the CEPR International Macro and Finance Program Meeting, December 2020

"Capital, Income Inequality, and Consumption" by Florin Bilbiie, Diego Kaenzig and Paolo Surico

Slides from my discussion at the Federal Reserve Conference on Monetary Policy and Heterogeneity, October 2020

"The Role of US Monetary Policy in Banking Crises Across the World" by C. Bora Durdu, Alex Martin and Ilknur Zer

Slides from my discussion at the IMF Annual Macro-Financial Research Conference, September 2020

"Real Integration and Asset Return Comovement" by Raphael Auer, Bruce Iwadate, Andreas Schrimpf and Alexander Wagner

Slides from my discussion at the CEBRA Annual Conference, September 2020

"The Impact of Brexit on UK Firms" by Nicholas Bloom, Philip Bunn, Scarlet Chen, Paul Mizen, Pawel Smietanka, Greg Thwaites

Slides from my discussion at the University of California Berkeley, February 2020

"Banking Supervision, Monetary Policy and Risk-Taking: Big Data Evidence from 15 Credit Registers" by Carlo Altavilla, Miguel Boucinha, Jose-Luis Peydro and Frank Smets

Slides from my discussion at the AEA meetings, San Diego, January 2020

"Mind the gap! Stylized dynamic facts and structural models" by Fabio Canova and Filippo Ferroni

Slides from my discussion at the Conference on Recent Developments in Macroeconomic Modelling, CREI, May 2019

"Credit Shocks and Equilibrium Dynamics in Consumer Durable Goods Markets" by Alessandro Gavazza and Andrea Lanteri

Slides from my discussion at the CEPR ESSIM Conference in Tarragona, May 2019