Erkut Y. Ozbay

Department of Economics
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Graduate Program:

Undergraduate Program:


The Thrill of Gradual Learning (with Faruk Gul, Paulo Natenzon, and Wolfgang Pesendorfer) [Forthcoming: Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics]

Effects of the Menu of Loan Contracts on Borrower Behavior (with Katharine G. Abraham, Emel Filiz-Ozbay, and Lesley J. Turner) [Management Science, 2022, 68(1), pp.509-528]

Comparing Ambiguous Urns with Different Sizes (with Emel Filiz-Ozbay, Huseyin Gulen, and Yusufcan Masatlioglu) [Journal of Economic Theory, 2022, 105224]

A Journal-Based Replication of "Being Chosen to Lead" (with Allan Drazen, Anna Dreber, and Erik Snowberg) [Journal of Public Economics, 2021, 104482]

The Relevancy of Irrelevant Information (with Ian Chadd and Emel Filiz-Ozbay) [Experimental Economics, 2021, 24, pp. 985-1018]

Path-Independent Consideration (with Juan S. Lleras, Yusufcan Masatlioglu, and Daisuke Nakajima) [Games, 2021, 12(1):21]

Shortlisting with a Limited Capacity (with Sen Geng) [Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2021, 102447]

Framing Effects, Earnings Expectations, and the Design of Student Loan Repayment Schemes (with Katharine G. Abraham, Emel Filiz-Ozbay, and Lesley J. Turner) Online Appendix [Journal of Public Economics, 2020, 183]

Does "Being Chosen to Lead" Induce Non-Selfish Behavior? Experimental Evidence on Reciprocity (with Allan Drazen) [Journal of Public Economics, 2019, 174, pp. 13-21]

The Role of Cognitive Ability, Personality Traits and Gender in Gift Exchange Outcomes (with Emel Filiz-Ozbay, John C. Ham, John H. Kagel) [Experimental Economics, 2018, 21, pp. 650-672]

When More is Less: Choice by Limited Consideration (with Juan S. Lleras, Yusufcan Masatlioglu, and Daisuke Nakajima) [Journal of Economic Theory, 2017, 170, pp. 70-85]

Dictating Risk - Experimental Evidence on Giving in Risky Environments: Reply (with J. Michelle Brock and Andreas Lange) [American Economic Review, 2016, 106, pp. 840-842]

Do Lottery Payments Induce Savings Behavior? Evidence from the Lab (with Emel Filiz-Ozbay, Jonathan Guryan, Kyle Hyndman, Melissa Kearney) [Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 126, pp. 1-24]

Multi-Object Auctions with Resale: Theory and Experiment (with Emel Filiz Ozbay and Kristian Lopez-Vargas) [Instructions] [Appendix B] [Games and Economic Behavior, 2015, 89, pp. 1-26]

Intrinsic and Instrumental Reciprocity: An Experimental Study (with Luis M. B. Cabral and Andrew Schotter) [Games and Economic Behavior, 2014, 87, pp. 100-121]

Effect of an Audience in Public Goods Provision (with Emel Filiz Ozbay) [Experimental Economics, 2014, 17 (2), pp. 200-214]

Common-Value Auctions with Liquidity Needs: An Experimental Test of a Troubled Assets Reverse Auctions (with Lawrence M. Ausubel, Peter Cramton, Emel Filiz Ozbay, Nathaniel Higgins and Andrew Stocking) [The Handbook of Market Design Edited by Nir Vulkan, Alvin E. Roth, and Zvika Neeman, Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 489-554]

Dictating Risk - Experimental Evidence on Giving in Risky Environments (with J. Michelle Brock and Andreas Lange) [American Economic Review, 2013, 103(1), pp. 415-437]

Revealed Attention (with Yusufcan Masatlioglu and Daisuke Nakajima) [American Economic Review, 2012, 102(5), pp. 2183-2205]

Convergence: An Experimental Study of Teaching and Learning in Repeated Games (with Kyle Hyndman, Andrew Schotter, and Wolf Z. Ehrblatt) [Journal of the European Economic Association, 2012, 10(3), pp. 573-604]

Rent Seeking with Regretful Agents: Theory and Experiment (with Kyle Hyndman and Pacharasut Sujarittanonta) [Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 84, pp. 866-878]

Fear of Losing in a Clock Auction (with Peter Cramton, Emel Filiz Ozbay, and Pacharasut Sujarittanonta) [Review of Economic Design, 2012, 16(2), pp. 119-134]

Discrete Clock Auctions: An Experimental Study (with Peter Cramton, Emel Filiz Ozbay, and Pacharasut Sujarittanonta) [Experimental Economics, 2012, 15(2), pp. 309-322]

Belief Formation by Outside Observers (with Kyle Hyndman, Andrew Schotter, and Wolf Z. Ehrblatt) [Experimental Economics, 2012, 15(1), pp. 176-203]

Anticipated Loser Regret in Third Price Auctions (with Emel Filiz Ozbay) [Economics Letters, 2010, 107(2), pp. 217-219]

Understanding Overbidding: Using the Neural Circuitry of Reward to Design Economic Auctions (with Mauricio R. Delgado, Andrew Schotter, and Elizabeth A. Phelps) [Science, 2008, 321, pp. 1849-1852]

Unawareness and Strategic Announcements in Games with Uncertainty [Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, Edited by Dov Samet, Presses Universitaires De Louvain, 2007, pp. 231-238]

Auctions with Anticipated Regret: Theory and Experiment (with Emel Filiz Ozbay) [American Economic Review, 2007, 97(4), pp. 1407-1418]

A Representation for Intransitive Indifference Relations (with Emel Filiz Ozbay) [Mathematical Social Sciences, 2005, 50(2), pp. 202-214]


Completed Papers

Consistency and Heterogeneity in Consideration and Choice (with Keaton Ellis and Emel Filiz-Ozbay)

Predicting and Understanding Individual-Level Choice under Uncertainty (with Keaton Ellis and Shachar Kariv)

Predicting and Understanding Individual-Level Choice under Risk (with Keaton Ellis and Shachar Kariv)

Choosing to Search: Choice with a Default Option (with Ian Chadd and Emel Filiz-Ozbay)

Revisiting Gender Differences in Economic Behavior Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic (with Billur Aksoy, Ian Chadd and Elif B. Osun)

Reciprocity under Risk (with Ian Chadd)

Buying an Influencer for an Election (with Ozlem Tonguc)

Evidence Games: Lying Aversion and Commitment (with Elif B. Osun)

Effect of Feedback on Beliefs About Self-Ability (with Ian Chadd and Elif B. Osun)

Lost in Transplantation: Evaluating the Efficiency of Organ Procurement in the United States (with Ariel Rava and Emanuel Zur)

Local Variation in Onsite Work during the Pandemic and its Aftermath (with Katharine G. Abraham, Mohammad Ashoori, Aref Darzi, Nathalie Gonzalez-Prieto, John C. Haltiwanger and Aliakbar Kabiri)