Click on the links below to obtain a copy of any paper. Older papers include a link to a pdf of the published version. Newer papers contain a link to the paper on the publisher's web site and (if the published version is not open access) a link to a PDF of the final pre-publication version if allowed by the publisher. If the PDF of the pre-publication version is present, it is virtually identical to the published version.
The Formation and Resilience of Law-Abiding Attitudes Under Authoritarianism: The Case of Russia.
Final Pre-Publication Version.
Kathryn Hendley and Peter Murrell
2025. Comparative Politics, 57(2), 169-191.
Combining Machine Learning and Econometrics to Examine the Historical Roots of Institutions and Cultures
Final Pre-Publication Version.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2025. forthcoming in Handbook of New Institutional Economics, edited by Claude Ménard and Mary M. Shirley, Springer.
Transactional Governance Structures : New Cross-Country Data and an Application to the Effect of Uncertainty
Final Pre-Publication Version. Data and Replication Materials.
Peter Murrell, Nona Karalashvili, and David Francis
2024. The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 40(3), 891–929.
A Macroscope of English Print Culture, 1530-1700, Applied to the Coevolution of Ideas on Religion, Science, and Institutions.
Final Pre-Publication Version. Data.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2024. Social Science History, 48(3), 489–519.
Did Caselaw Foster England's Economic Development During the Industrial Revolution? Data and Evidence.
Final Pre-Publication Version. Data.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2024. Journal of Comparative Economics, 52(1), 145-165.
Quiet Revolutions in Early-Modern England
Final Pre-Publication Version. Data.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2024. Public Choice, 200, 357–381.
How Machine Learning Will Change Cliometrics
Final Pre-Publication Version.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2023. In: Diebolt, C., Haupert, M. (eds) Handbook of Cliometrics, Third Edition. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Of Families and Inheritance: Law and Development in England Before the Industrial Revolution
Final Pre-Publication Version. Data.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2023. Cliometrica, Volume 17, 387–432.
A Macrohistory of Legal Evolution and Coevolution: Property, Procedure, and Contract in Pre-Industrial English Caselaw
Final Pre-Publication Version. Data.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2023. International Review of Law & Economics, 73(March), Article 106113.
Using Topic-Modeling in Legal History, with an Application to Pre-Industrial English Caselaw on Finance
Final Pre-Publication Version.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2022. Law and History Review, 40(2), 189-228.
Lasting Legal Legacies: Early English Legal Ideas and Later Caselaw Development During the Industrial Revolution
Final Pre-Publication Version.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2022. Review of Law & Economics, 18(1), 85-141.
Did the Independence of Judges Reduce Legal Development in England, 1600-1800?
Supplementary Material. Data and Replication Materials.
Peter Murrell
2021. The Journal of Law and Economics, 64(3), 539–565.
A machine-learning history of English caselaw and legal ideas prior to the Industrial Revolution II: applications
Final Pre-Publication Version.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2021. Journal of Institutional Economics, 17(2), 201-216.
A machine-learning history of English caselaw and legal ideas prior to the Industrial Revolution I: generating and interpreting the estimates
Final Pre-Publication Version.
Supplementary Material.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2021. Journal of Institutional Economics, 17(1): 1-19.
Winner Elinor Ostrom Prize, 2022, for the best full-length article published in the JOIE in the preceding calendar year.
Characterizing a legal-intellectual culture: Bacon, Coke, and seventeenth-century England
Final Pre-Publication Version.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2021. Cliometrica, 15(1), 43 - 88.
Memories of Colonial Law: The Inheritance of Human Capital and the Location of Joint Ventures in Early-Reform China
Cheryl Long, Peter Murrell, and Li Yang
2019. China Economic Review, Volume 58, December, Article 101284.
Toward Understanding 17th Century English Culture: A Structural Topic Model of Francis Bacon's Ideas
Supplementary Content.
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2019. Journal of Comparative Economics, 47, 111-135.
Doing the Survey Two-Step: The Effects of Reticence on Estimates of Corruption in Two-Stage Survey Questions
Nona Karaleshvili, Aart Kraay, and Peter Murrell
2018. In Institutions, Governance, and the Control of Corruption, edited by Kaushik Basu and Tito Cordella
International Economic Association Series, Palgrave Macmillan.
Caveat venditor: The conditional effect of relationship-specific investment on contractual behaviour
Supplementary Content. Replication files.
Peter Murrell and Radu Păun
2017. Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization, 33(1) March: 105-138
Design and Evolution in Institutional Development: The Insignificance of the English Bill of Rights
Supplementary Content.
Peter Murrell
2017. Journal of Comparative Economics, 45(1) February: 36-55.
Winner of the Montias Prize awarded by The Association for Comparative Economic Studies for the best article published in the Journal of Comparative Economics during a two-year period (2016-2017).
A Darwinian Theory of Institutional Development Two Centuries Before Darwin
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2016. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 131(A) November 2016: 346-372.
Misunderestimating Corruption
Aart Kraay and Peter Murrell
2016. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(3): 455-466
Revisiting the Emergence of the Rule of Law in Russia
Kathryn Hendley and Peter Murrell
2015. Global Crime, 9.
Spatial Spillovers in the Development of Institutions
Harry H. Kelejian, Peter Murrell, Oleksandr Shepotylo
2013. Journal of Development Economics 101.
The Way We Were: Reflections on the Comparative History of Comparative Economics
Presidential Address to the Association of Comparative Economic Studies
Peter Murrell
2011. Comparative Economic Studies, 53.
Does Respondent Reticence Affect the Results of Corruption Surveys? Evidence from the World Bank Enterprise Survey for Nigeria
Bianca Clausen, Aart Kraay, and Peter Murell
2011. In International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption, Volume 2, edited by Susan Rose-Ackerman and Tina Soreide
Fostering Civil Society to Build Institutions: Why and When
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2009. Economics of Transition, 17(1), 1-41.
Identifying Reticent Respondents: Assessing the Quality of Survey Data on Corruption and Values
Omar Azfar and Peter Murrell
2009. Economic Development and Cultural Change, January, 57(2), pp. 387-412.
Institutions and Transition
Peter Murrell
2008. In The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition. Edited by Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume.
The Role of Law in China's Economic Development
Donald Clarke, Peter Murrell, and Susan Whiting.
2008. In China's Great Economic Transformation, Loren Brandt and Thomas Rawski eds. Cambridge University.
Reprinted in Chinese in Weidade Zhongguo jingji zhuanxing Wisdom Publishing House (Gezhi chubanshe), Shanghai, 2009, pp. 319-361.
Allocating Law-Making Powers: Self Regulation vs. Government Regulation
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2007. Journal of Comparative Economics, 35(3), September, pp. 520-545.
Lawyers and Politicians: The Impact of Organized Legal Professions on Institutional Reforms
Peter Grajzl and Peter Murrell
2006. Constitutional Political Economy, 17(4), pp. 251-276, December.
Institutions and Firms in Transition Economies
Peter Murrell
2005. In Handbook of New Institutional Economics, edited by Claude Menard and Mary Shirley, Springer
The Relative Levels and the Character of Institutional Development in Transition Economies
Peter Murrell
2003. In Political Economy of Transition and Development: Institutions, Politics and Policies
edited by Nauro Campos and Jan Fidrmuc, ZEI Studies in European Economics and Law, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Firms Facing New Institutions: Transactional Governance in Romania
Peter Murrell
2003. Journal of Comparative Economics, 31(4), pp 695-714
Glamour and Value in the Land of Chingis Khan
James H. Anderson, Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
2003. Journal of Comparative Economics, 31(1), pp 34-57
Which mechanisms support the fulfillment of sales agreements? Asking decision-makers in firms
Kathryn Hendley and Peter Murrell
2003. Economics Letters, 78(1), pp 49-54
Enterprise Restructuring in Transition: A Quantitative Survey
Simeon Djankov and Peter Murrell
2002. Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XL, pp 739-792
Reforma curtilor comerciale en Romania [The reform of the commercial courts in Romania]
Peter Murrell
2002, published in Politici Publice, Teorie si practica, edited by Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Sorin Ionita, Editura Polirom
Punitive Damages for Contractual Breaches in Comparative Perspective: The Use of Penalties by Russian Enterprises
Kathryn Hendley, Peter Murrell and Randi Ryterman
2001, Wisconsin Law Review, no. 3, pp 639-679
Assessing the Value of Law in the Economic Transition from Socialism: An Introduction
Cynthia Clement and Peter Murrell
2001, published in Assessing the Value of Law in Transition Economies, edited by Peter Murrell, Unviersity of Michigan Press
Law Works in Russia: The Role of Legal Institutions in the Transactions of Russian Enterprises
Kathryn Hendley, Pe/ter Murrell and Randi Ryterman
2001, published in Assessing the Value of Law in Transition Economies, edited by Peter Murrell, Unviersity of Michigan Press
Agents of Change or Unchanging Agents? The Role of Lawyers within Russian Industrial Enterprises
Kathryn Hendley, Peter Murrell and Randi Ryterman
2001, Law and Social Inquiry, 26(3), pp 201-231
How Does the Transitional State Behave? Evidence from Retained State Ownership in Mongolian Privatization
Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
2000, published in Planning, Shortage, and Transformation, edited by Eric Maskin and Andras Simonovits, MIT Press
Law, Relationships, and Private Enforcement: Transactional Strategies of Russian Enterprises
Kathryn Hendley, Peter Murrell, and Randi Ryterman
2000, Europe-Asia Studies, 52(4), pp 627-656
Which Enterprises (Believe They) Have Soft Budgets? Evidence on the Effects of Ownership and Decentralization in Mongolia
James H. Anderson, Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
2000, Journal of Comparative Economics, 28(2), pp 219-246
Competition and Privatization Amidst Weak Institutions: Evidence from Mongolia
James H. Anderson, Young Lee and Peter Murrell
2000, Economic Inquiry, 38(4), pp 527-549
Do Repeat Players Behave Differently in Russia? An Evaluation of Contractual and Litigation Behavior of Russian Enterprises
Kathryn Hendley, Peter Murrell and Randi Ryterman
1999, Law & Society Review, 33(4), pp 833-867
A Regional Analysis of Transactional Strategies of Russian Enterprises
Kathryn Hendley, Peter Murrell and Randi Ryterman
1999, McGill Law Journal, 44(2). pp 433-472
Ownership, Exit, and Voice after Mass Privatization: Evidence from Mongolia
James H. Anderson, Georges Krosun, and Peter Murrell
1999, Economics of Transition, 7(1). pp 215-243
The Relationship between Economic Growth and the Speed of Liberalization During Transition
Berta Heybey and Peter Murrell
1999, Journal of Policy Reform, 3(2). pp 121-137
Missed Policy Opportunities During Mongolian Privatization: Should Aid Target Research Institutions
Peter Murrell
1997, pubished in Institutions and Economic Development: Growth and Governance in Less-Developed and Post-Socialist Countries
edited by Christopher C. Clague, John Hopkins University Press
Enterprise-State relations after Mass Privatization: Their Character in Mongolia
James H. Anderson, Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
1997, MOCT-MOST, 7(4), pp 81-99
Observations on the Use of Law by Russian Enterprises
Kathryn Hendley, Barry Ickes, Peter Murrell, and Randi Ryterman
1997, Post-Soviet Affairs, 13, pp 19-41
The Effects of Government Decentralization During Transition: Evidence on Enterprise-State Relations in Mongolia
Jamse H. Anderson, Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
1997, Post-Soviet Geography and Economics, 38(4), pp 230-246
End of the Tunnel? The Effects of Financial Stabilization in Russia
Barry Ickes, Peter Murrel and Randi Ryterman
1997, Post-Soviet Affairs, 13, pp 105-133
How far has the transition progressed?
Peter Murrell
1996, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 10(2), pp 25-44
The Culture of Policy-Making in the Transition from Socialism: Price Policy in Mongolia
Karen Turner Dunn, Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
1996, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 45(1), pp 175-194
Reform's Rhetoric-Realization Relationship: The Experience of Mongolia
Peter Murrell
1995, published in The Evolutionary Transition to Capitalism, edited by Kazimierz Poznanski, Westview Press
The Transition According to Cambridge, Mass.
Peter Murrell
1995, Journal of Economic Literature, 33(1), pp 164-178
The Politics and Economics of Mongolia's Privatization Program
Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
1995, Asian Survey, XXXV(5), pp 472-486
The Theory of Planning
Peter Murrell
1994, published in The Elgar Companion to Institutional and Evolutionary Economics, edited by Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Warren J. Samuels, and Marc R. Tool, Aldershot
Playing Political Economy: The Goals and Outcomes of Russia's Economic Reforms of 1992
Peter Murrell
1994, International Journal of Political Economy, 24(1), pp 34-51
What is Shock Therapy? What did it Do in Poland and Russia?
Peter Murrell
1993, Post-Soviet Affairs, 9(2), pp 111-140
When Privatization Should Be Delayed: The Effects of Communist Legacies on Organizational and Institutional Development
Peter Murrell and Yijiang Wang
1993, Journal of Comparative Economics, 17(2), pp 385-406
Evolutionary and Radical Approaches to Economic Reform
Peter Murrell
1992, Economics of Planning, 25(1), pp 79-95
Economic Reform, Economic Performance, and Arms Reduction in Eastern Europe: Insights from Evolutionary Economics
Peter Murrell
1992, published in The Macroeconomic Dimension of Arms Reduction, edited by F. Gerard Adams, Westview Press
Evolution in Economics and in the Economic Reform of the Centrally Planned Economies
Peter Murrell
1992, published in The Emergence of Market Economies in Eastern Europe, edited by Christopher C. Clague and Gordon Rausser, Blackwell
Conservative Political Philosophy and the Strategy of Economic Transition
Peter Murrell
1992, East European Politics and Societies, 6(1), pp 3-16
A Methodology for Testing Comparative Economic Theories: Theory and Application to East-West Environmental Policies
Peter Murrell and Randi Ryterman
1991, Journal of Comparative Economics, 15(4), pp 582-601
The Effect of (the Absence of) Multinationals' Foreign Direct Investment on the Level of Eastern European Trade
Peter Murrell
1991, Economics of Planning 24(3), pp 151-160
Multinational Corporations in the Eastern European Transition
Peter Murrell
1991, published in Multinationals in the New Europe and Global Trade in the 1990's edited by M. Klein and Paul Welfens, Springer
Can Neoclassical Economics Underpin the Economic Reform of the Centrally-Planned Economies?
Peter Murrell
1991, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5(4), pp 59-76
Symposium on Economic Transition in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
Peter Murrell
1991, introductory article to symposium in Journal of Economic Perspectives, 5(4), pp 3-10
The Devolution of Centrally Planned Economies
Peter Murrell and Mancur Olson
1991, Journal of Comparative Economics, 15(2), pp 239-265
Public Choice and the Transformation of Socialism: An Introduction
Peter Murrell and Andras Nagy, ed.
1991, opening essay of a special issue of Journal of Comparative Economics, 15(2), pp 203-210
Industry Characteristics and Interest Group Formation: An Empirical Study
Brendan Kennellly and Peter Murrell
1991, Public Choice, 70(1), pp 21-40
The Implications of East-West Economic Cooperation for the Market Economies
Peter Murrell
1990, published in Perestroika and East-West Economic Relations: Prospects for the 1990's, edited by Michael Kraus and Ronald Liebowitz, New York University Press
Big Bang Versus Evolution: Eastern European Economic Reforms in the Light of Recent Economic History
Peter Murrell
1990, published in PlanEcon Report, VI(26), (A Revised Version of a Report Presented to the Panel of Economic Advisors of the Congressional Budget Office, June 1990)
Result-Oriented and Process-Oriented Evaluations of Indicative Planning
Peter Murrell
1990, Journal of Comparative Economics 14(4), pp 555-660
Electoral Politics, Interest Groups, and the Size of Government
Peter Coughlin, Dennis C. Mueller and Peter Murrell
1990, Economic Inquiry 28(4), pp 682-705
A Model of Electoral Competition with Interest Groups
Peter Coughlin, Dennis C. Mueller and Peter Murrell
1990, Economics Letters, 32(4), pp 307-311
How to Haggle and Stay Firm: Barter as Mutual Price Discriminations
E. Magenheim and Peter Murrell
1998, Economic Inquiry, 26(3), pp 449-460
A Note on Variables and Observations in Factor Analysis
Peter Murrell
1986, Journal of Development Economics, 21(2), pp 319-325
Interest Groups and the Size of Government
Dennis C. Mueller and Peter Murrell
1986, Public Choice, 48(2), pp 125-146
The Size of Public Employment: An Empirical Study
Peter Murrell
1985, Journal of Comparative Economics, 9(4), pp 424-437
The Applicability of Information-Revelealing Incentive Schemes in Economic Organizations
J. Miller and Peter Murrell
1984, Journal of Comparative Economics, 8(3), pp 277-289
Incentives and Income Under Market Socialism
Peter Murrell
1984, Journal of Comparative Economics, 8(3), pp 261-276
An Examination of the Factors Affecting the Formation of Interest Groups in OECD Countries
Peter Murrell
1984, Public Choice, 43(2), pp 113-149
The Comparative Structure of the Growth of West German and British Manufacturing Industry
Peter Murrell
1983, published in The Political Economy of Growth, edited by Dennis C. Mueller, Yale University Press
The Economics of Sharing: A Transactions Cost Analysis of Contractual Choice in Farming
Peter Murrell
1983, The Bell Journal of Economics, 14(1), pp 283-292
Did the Theory of Market Socialism Answer the Challenge of Ludwig von Mises? A Reinterpretation of the Socialist Controversy
Peter Murrell
1983, History of Political Economy, 15(1), pp 92-105
Product Quality, Market Signaling, and the Development of East-West Trade
Peter Murrell
1982, Economic Inquiry, 20(4), pp 589-603
Comparative Growth and Comparative Advantage: Tests of the Effects of Interest Group Behavior on Foreign Trade Patterns
Peter Murrell
1982, Public Choice, 38(1), pp 35-53
The Comparative Structure of Growth in the Major Developed Capitalist Nations
Peter Murrell
1982, Southern Economic Journal, 48(4), pp 985-995
An Evaluation of the Success of the Hungarian Economic Reform: An Analysis Using International Trade Data
Peter Murrell
1981, Journal of Comparative Economics 5(4), pp 352-366
National Economic Planning in the West: An Interpretation
Jeffrey Miller and Peter Murrell
1981, Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Osteuropas, 9(2), pp 245-265
Limitations on the Use of Information Revealing Incentive Schemes in Economic Organizations
Jeffrey Miller and Peter Murrell
1981, Journal of Comparative Economics, 5(3), pp 251-270
Endogenous Technological Change and Optimal Growth
Peter Murrell
1981, Eastern Economic Journal, 7(2), pp 97-109
The Microeconomic Efficiency Argument for Socialism Re-Revisited
Peter Murrell
1981, Journal of Economic Issues, 15(1), pp 211-219
Optimal Growth Models as Economic Planning Tools
Peter Murrell
1980, Economics of Planning, 16(2), pp 92-101
The Use of the Maximin Principle as a Criterion for Just Savings
Peter Murrell
1980, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 82(1), pp 15-24
Representation of Choice in Long-Term Planning
Peter Murrell
1979, American Economist, 23(2), pp 24-30
The Problem of Equity in Determining Managerial Rewards in Public Enterprises
Jeffrey Miller and Peter Murrell
1979, Journal of Comparative Economics, 3(4), pp 407-415
The Performance of Multiperiod Managerial Incentive Schemes
Peter Murrell
1979, American Economic Review, 69(5), pp 934-940
Planning and Coordination of Economic Policy in Market Economies
Peter Murrell
1979, Journal of Comparative Economics, 3(2), pp 145-166
Non-Price Rationing of Intermediate Goods in Centrally Planed Economies: A Comment
D.W. Green and Peter Murrell
1977, Econometrica, 45(1), pp 175-181