Papers on Survey Research

Doing the Survey Two-Step: The Effects of Reticence on Estimates on Estimates of Corruption in Two-Stage Survey Questions
Nona Karalashvili, Aart Kraay, and Peter Murrell
2018. In Institutions, Governance, and the Control of Corruption, edited by Kaushik Basu and Tito Cordella
International Economic Association Series, Palgrave Macmillan.

Misunderestimating Corruption
Aart Kraay and Peter Murrell
2016. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(3): 455-466

Do Random Response Questions Really Elicit Truthful Answers to Sensitive Questions? The Case of the Mississippi Personhood Initiative
Aart Kraay and Peter Murrell.Unpublished paper, 2016.

Does Respondent Reticence Affect the Results of Corruption Surveys? Evidence from the World Bank Enterprise Survey for Nigeria
Bianca Clausen, Aart Kraay, and Peter Murell
2011. In International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption, Volume 2,
edited by Susan Rose-Ackerman and Tina Soreide

Measuring Transaction Costs: Using Survey Data on Sales Agreements
Peter Murrell and Radu Paun. Unpublished paper, 2010.

Identifying Reticent Respondents: Assessing the Quality of Survey Data on Corruption and Values
Omar Azfar and Peter Murrell
2009. Economic Development and Cultural Change, January, 57(2), pp. 387-412.

Which mechanisms support the fulfillment of sales agreements? Asking decision-makers in firms
Kathryn Hendley and Peter Murrell
2003. Economics Letters, 78(1), pp 49-54