Papers on Privatization

Glamour and Value in the Land of Chingis Khan
James H. Anderson, Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
2003. Journal of Comparative Economics, 31(1), pp 34-57.

Enterprise Restructuring in Transition: A Quantitative Survey
Simeon Djankov and Peter Murrell
2002. Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XL, pp 739-792.

Competition and Privatization Amidst Weak Institutions: Evidence from Mongolia
James H. Anderson, Young Lee and Peter Murrell
2000, Economic Inquiry, 38(4), pp 527-549.

How Does the Transitional State Behave? Evidence from Retained State Ownership in Mongolian Privatization
Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
2000, published in Planning, Shortage, and Transformation, edited by Eric Maskin and Andras Simonovits, MIT Press

Which Enterprises (Believe They) Have Soft Budgets? Evidence on the Effects of Ownership and Decentralization in Mongolia
James H. Anderson, Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
2000, Journal of Comparative Economics, 28(2), pp 219-246.

Ownership, Exit, and Voice after Mass Privatization: Evidence from Mongolia
James H. Anderson, Georges Krosun, and Peter Murrell
1999, Economics of Transition, 7(1). pp 215-243

Enterprise-State relations after Mass Privatization: Their Character in Mongolia
James H. Anderson, Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
1997, MOCT-MOST, 7(4), pp 81-99

The Politics and Economics of Mongolia's Privatization Program
Georges Korsun and Peter Murrell
1995, Asian Survey, XXXV(5), pp 472-486