ECON 747 - The Macroeconomics of Imperfect Capital Markets
This is a second year graduate course on financial frictions in macro
Thomas Drechsel, University of Maryland
Syllabus (constantly updated) here
Final project instructions (relevant for UMD students) here
Lecture slides
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course here
Lecture 2: Business cycle model refresher here
Lecture 3: Dynare here
Lecture 4: From complete to incomplete markets, asset pricing here
Lecture 5: Incomplete markets, heterogeneous agents, and precautionary savings here
Lecture 6: Models with constraints on risk-free debt: Kiyotaki-Moore here
Lecture 7: Microfoundations of debt and debt constraints: Hart-Moore here
Lecture 8: Models with debt constraints: limitations and applications (open economy, normative implications, occasionally binding constraints, ...) here
Lecture 9: Earnings-based borrowing constraints here
Lecture 10: Models with costly state verification and risky debt: Bernanke-Gertler here
Lecture 11: The financial accelerator in a quantitative macro model: Bernanke-Gertler-Gilchrist here
Lecture 12: Risky debt models and the financial accelerator: applications, extensions, alternatives here
Lecture 13: Financial intermediation, banks and bank runs here
Lecture 14: Income inequality, financial intermediation, and small firms here
Lecture 15: Bubbles here
Basic Dynare files here
Example code from Lecture 3 here
Assignment 1 (covers Lectures 2, 3) here
Assignment 2 (covers Lecture 4) here
Assignment 3 (covers Lectures 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) here
Assignment 4 (covers Lecture 10, 11, 12) here
For solutions to assignments, please contact me via email
If you have questions and suggestions, or find any errors, feel free to get in touch!
drechsel 'at'